[othertonguesc fsize=32]there is ed_past_tense a un- young owl that live ed_past_tense in a tree . each day he see ed_past_tense thing s_multiple happen ing around he passive . day before to day he see ed_past_tense a boy help ing opposite- young man to carry a big box . to day he see ed_past_tense a girl cry ing at she s_poss mother . the more he see the less he speak . as he speak less , he hear more . he hear people talk ing and tell ing story s_multiple . he hear ed_past_tense a man ess_female say ing that horse walk ed_past_tense with a dog . he also hear a man say ing that he have opposite- ever have make ed_past_perfect_tense a mis- take . opposite- young owl have see ed_past_perfect_tense and hear ed_past_perfect_tense about what happen ed_past_perfect_tense to people . some get ed_past_tense more good and some get ed_past_tense more un- good . but opposite- young owl have get more wise each day .[/othertonguesc]