Othertongue is a new universal global language with images – a language that anyone can learn. People and companies with the same positive attitude towards life and the world can connect easier via Othertongue, wherever they live, whatever language they speak. Use is free. The images (‘ovjects’) can be sponsored.

The whole original collection from 2015 (excluding the sponsored images) is now for sale as NFT’s on opensea.io.


View the first 400+ ovjects.
Have a look at how you can become ‘adoptor’ of one of the ovjects. Claim the ovject that is close to your heart and/or your business before someone else does.

The word representation of Othertongue is in Synglish, an abbreviated, regular form of English. Synglish thus facilitates pronunciation of ovjects. View a short story in Othertongue with Synglish captions.

The language is developing, but that applies to any living language. In Othertongue the development is rapid. Users daily contribute new ovjects (images and words), combinations of ovjects and rules or habits that can be included in the language. This is the platform site where users can contribute.

The language must meet several conditions:

  • The language should use as many images as possible that are already standard
  • The language should be as regular as possible and therefore easy to learn
  • The language must be practical for use on mobile / smart phones and tablets; the less typing the better
  • The language should invite creativity: fewer elements and more combinations
  • The language must express a positive attitude

Read the terms and conditions before use »